Domestic Violence Psychotherapy

Who can i talk to?


We understand how hard it is to make sense of what is happening to you. It can be difficult to talk about your situation, even to your closest family and friends. You may feel lonely and isolated. Maybe you have been told by your partner that he or she or they will hurt you if you tell someone. Perhaps you have told someone and they have told you just to leave, run, to walk away. But we know it is not that easy.


Your partner does not have the right to control and dominate you. You should not have to worry about how he or she or they will react to what you do. Domestic violence is a crime and no one deserves to feel afraid, controlled, threatened, beaten or feel in fear for their lives.


Maybe you feel that you are some how to blame for the abuse. Your partner, and other people, may have told you that it is your fault. But that is not true. Your partner is responsible for the abuse. And he or she or they alone can stop it.


We offer counselling, psychotherapy & court support to include written reports to help our clients through domestic violence. Services are provided by Michael McArdle Longford

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